Mum's 70th
Home Up


Husband's Barn, nr Settle 17-19th March 2000

Mum's 70th Birthday Weekend

Click on the pics for a bigger version.

kidssteps1.JPG (6660 bytes) edchoc1.JPG (4928 bytes) cannonboys1.JPG (5901 bytes) jackcarlisle1.JPG (4675 bytes)
Cousins Chocolatey Edward Boys on cannon @ Carlisle Castle Jack emerging from dungeon
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Mum & Dad on Settle-Carlisle railway On the steps @ Settle station Jack & Matthew: spot the ball Spot the balloons (and mum)
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Mum & cake with only one candle (to Jack's dismay) Mum & Dad Ditto + champagne Joshua
newlambs1.JPG (6682 bytes) group1.JPG (6912 bytes)



Lambs - about 2 minutes old Nearly all of us